
Protect your business from ransomware.

Ransomware is on the rise, affecting all types and sizes of organizations. Fight ransomware with CounterCraft’s best-in-breed solutions that go beyond traditional detection and response.

Connect with us to learn more about how active defense stops ransomware attacks in their tracks.

Detect the initial stages of targeted ransomware attacks with active defense and cyber deception. CounterCraft The Edge™ is proven to be an effective way to stop ransomware in its tracks.

Cloud Based
Frictionless installation
Full Service
No drain on your team’s resources
Effective Campaigns
Proven to stop today’s cyber threats
Easy Deployment
Zero workload and effort to your threat intel team

Deploy The Edge™ threat intelligence campaigns to quickly:


Detect Threats – Detect when ransomware threat actors are conducting reconnaissance externally and/or moving laterally internally in real time.


Proactively Protect – Investigate incidents rapidly and reconfigure enterprise systems in real time.


Collect Threat Intelligence – Collect real-time, focused and actionable intel about how ransomware threat actors are trying to compromise internal and external Windows servers (domain controllers), with zero increase to analyst workload.

Get in touch.

Detect, deter, and defend against cyberattacks.