
Digital Twin for the Win: Global Bank Accesses Attacker Playbook

Download this case study to find out how The Platform™ External Attack Surface Management helped our client detect an attack targeting their API system, providing valuable adversary intelligence.

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“Over 30 days, the amount of quality data CounterCraft gathered astonished the bank’s team.”

The Industry

Financial Services

The Challenge

The generic, outdated information provided by traditional threat intel feeds was not enough to defend against sophisticated, targeted attacks.
The client’s lack of visibility outside the network meant they could not take effective action to mitigate risk.

The Solution

The bank used CounterCraft The Platform™ to detect potential attacks and gather adversary-generated threat intelligence, giving the bank the information they need to harden their IT security systems in less than 30 days.

According to Verizon’s latest data breach report, 70% of attacks are perpetrated by external threat actors.

This financial entity was thrilled with our platform’s ability to collect intel describing the TTPs, intentions, and motives of the attackers without increasing the risk profile of their organization.

Find out how a global bank was able to use the attackers’ playbook to harden its entire security system thanks to the high-quality intel delivered by CounterCraft. Download the cybersecurity case study to learn more about how we protect the most valuable digital assets in the financial services industry.

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Detect, deter and defend against cyberattacks.