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Inside the mind of the enemy.

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CounterCraft Insider Threats

Do you know your adversary? With profiling you can.

Cybersecurity professionals spend their days working to make the digital world a safer place, doing everything in their power to stop cyber criminals. But have you ever stopped to think about what motivates cyber criminals lurking around your attack surface?

Cyber criminal profiling can be used to predict behavior and adapt security strategies accordingly. Download our free eBook today to learn more about profiling cyber criminals.

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Fill out this form to receive the eBook Inside the Mind of the Enemy. The information inside will help you and your organization detect, deter, document, and defend against cyberattacks.

What’s inside your eBook?

14 pages about profiling cyber criminals

14 pages about profiling cyber criminals

A breakdown of the characteristics of cyber criminals

A breakdown of the characteristics of cyber criminals

A theoretical model profile of a cyber criminal

A theoretical model profile of a cyber criminal

The 4 areas where profiling is most useful

The 4 areas where profiling is most useful

An overview of how cyber deception helps to profile cyber criminals

An overview of how cyber deception helps to profile cyber criminals

Information on identifying attack objectives

Information on identifying attack objectives

Can cyber profiling help protect your organization?

A cyber criminal profile is essential in order to learn how attackers think, what motivates them and how they work. Understanding the enemy is the first tool used when fighting against them and cyber deception plays an important role. By having a good understanding of the activity, motives and identity of the adversary gained from profiling techniques and data gathered from your deception environment, you can predict with greater confidence what they are going to do next and defeat them.

In this eBook, you will find a comprehensive look at how criminal profiling is useful in cybersecurity. Find out more by downloading it today.

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