
Protecting your digital world.

We create cybersecurity solutions that put you one step ahead of attackers, so you can make real-time decisions that protect your organization.

We offer disruptive solutions for the defense of digital data and the collection of intelligence that improves security and stops attacks.
Detect threats earlier than any other solution.
Gather deep intel that is contextual and usable.
Deploy flexibly in the cloud, in your network or on prem– you decide.

We are one step ahead.

An expert team with decades of extensive experience powers our innovative solutions. We proactively build our knowledge to always stay one step ahead.

Our technology and innovation excels, providing specialized knowledge adapted to the needs of different sectors.

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We transform reality.

From day one, CounterCraft questioned established cybersecurity practices, turning the tables on attackers and transforming their reality. We tackle today’s problems with an open mind and a forward-leaning approach.

We deceive attackers, we protect you.

We are straightforward in the way we behave, work and communicate.

We create partnerships built on trust because we know our work has an impact on your business.

Meet our Leadership.

  • David Barroso

    Founder & CTO
  • Dan Brett

  • David Brown

  • Matt Gunston
